Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Junior Wordsmith, still working on spelling badge

Not long ago, Milo and I were watching a thunderstorm. He likes to hear the thunder and watch the lightning, just like dear old Mom. After a while, he asked, "What's ning?" I had to ask him a few times what he was saying, and finally, he explained that he knew what light was, but didn't understand the 'ning part of the word. Huh? The kid's only three and he's already trying to figure out the root meanings of words. You have to like that. So today, we're driving to school and he asks me what apart means. So, I explain the meaning of the word, but he isn't satisfied. The he says, "like apartment - what does apart mean?" Like, he knows what mints are - those yummy white things that you put in your mouth, but the other part of the word had him puzzled. That was hard to explain. Especially the apart part, because really, apartments aren't apart - they're all together. To top it off, we were almost to school this morning when he said something about a roof - I asked him which building it was, and he said indignantly, "Car, not building! Car! P-S-T car!" The look on his face said, "duh!" In between fits of laughter, I explained that it's: C-A-R car. So, next time he wants to tell his mommy that she's slow, he can at least spell it right...

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